How Can We Help People Age Well In Place?

What do people need from their homes as they age? Unsurprisingly, most people want to be able to stay within their home environment for as long as possible.

According to the Evening Express, 48 per cent of homeowners aged 50 or over do not intend to move again, believing they are living in the ‘forever homes’, and 80 per cent are willing to future proof their homes so they can remain where they are as they age in place.

Many people also find that they are more reliant on their strong local social networks, depending on how long they have lived there. Some people have lived in their home for many years and created many local link and networks, and their homes are full of memories making them reluctant to move out.

Foundations, the national body for home improvement agencies, found that adapting your home can delay a move into residential care by many years. While there is a significant cost saving in this, it is allowing many people to age in place in their homes, and maintain their connections to their communities

Benefits of home adaptations

More people can enjoy later life staying within their communities and homes they know and love. Spending money on home adaptations can bring a wealth of benefits not just in terms of reduced costs to health and residential care, but also to how they can improve their quality of life.

Home adaptations are typically associated with frailty and decline, and it’s essential to look at how these products can become an attractive and desired feature from a consumer perspective.

People will have spent a huge amount of time and money making their homes a reflection on themselves, and any adaptations need to fit within their homes as part of the environment.

Ageing well in place

We often underestimate the importance of the place in which we live and the possible changes that environment might need through the different stages of later life, and how small changes can make a huge difference to allowing people to live in the comfort of their own homes.

If you’re looking for bespoke stairlifts for your home, then call us today.
