What To Consider Before Getting A Stairlift

For many people, buying and having bespoke stairlifts installed has been incredibly important for boosting their quality of life.

However, a stairlift is also a huge investment, and so needs to be able to suit your needs not just presently but in case your mobility needs progress in the future.

Here are some considerations to make when buying a Stairlift.


Does It Suit Your Physical Needs?

Stairlifts come in all shapes and sizes, but most of all they need to transport you comfortably, safely and easily from one floor to the next.

Everyone has different needs, and your stairlift needs to be able to comfortably transport you. For example, if you have chronic knee pain, a seated stairlift may not be the best option compared to a perching or standing stairlift to relieve pain.

As well as this, safely being able to use the controls is essential, and adaptations such as a joystick are available if required.

As well as this, it is important to ensure that the stairlift you install is suitable for your height and weight


Does It Suit Your Home Layout?

There are as many types of stairlift as there are staircases. However, the two main factors to bear in mind are the design of the staircase and its width.

The cheapest type of stairlift is a straight stairlift. However, it is important to bear in mind that many staircases have a curve either at the top or bottom, which would not make these types of stairlift suitable if you cannot traverse any step comfortably.

As well as this, the chair part needs to be considered, with slimmer perch and small seats available for narrower staircases.