Lift Hygiene

Amongst the many things we’ve learned from the Coronavirus Pandemic is that hygiene needs a constant consideration in our everyday life. Our new normal now means more soap and hand sanitizers along with reminders to wash hands for longer, apply sanitiser frequently and more consideration for others. With this in mind additional hygiene measures should be a consideration when you own a lift to keep staff, customers, visitors and family save. Lifts are often high volume traffic and high touch areas so we’ve added new products to keep your lift safe.

Anti-microbial coating

  • Reduce bacteria by 99.99% Effective against viruses Single application lasts the product’s lifetime Two options for metal or all other surfaces Ultra-thin flexible covering

Covid-19 Safety Signs

  • Floor and wall signs Social distance reminders Hygiene reminders Covid-19 site safety reminders Meet Government workplace guidelines.

Contact Us

To find our more about our hygiene services contact us now. Whatever your query we have the expertise to guide you to ensure your lift is safe and fit for purpose.

kep lifts van